How Does a KnockerBall Event Work?
October 27, 2017
We get all kind of questions about scheduling a KnockerBall event, so for our first blog post, we decided to sum up how a KnockerBall event works.
First, the process begins by you booking the event. This occurs either by you calling us over the phone or going to our website,, and filling out our rental page. Either one works, it is just whatever is easier for you. After you have booked, we will handle everything else, except for two things that you are responsible for.
One thing you are responsible for is a location for your event. It can be held anywhere there is a large open area that is relatively flat. This could be in your yard, a city park, a basketball gym, a soccer or football field, etc. If you aren't sure where to host your event, we are happy to help you find a location.
The other thing you are responsible for is waivers. Each participant will need to have a waiver signed. If the participant is under 18 they will need a parent's signature, and if they are over 18, they can sign it themselves. Our waivers can be signed digitally on our website, or they can be emailed to you at your request if you would rather have paper copies printed out.
Now that the booking process is over, we are good to go until the event. We will generally call or email in the week leading up to the event in order to confirm all of the details. Once we have confirmed everything, we are ready to see you at your event.
On the day of the event, we will arrive at the location anywhere from 30 minutes - 1 hour ahead of time depending on what you have rented. We will set everything up by the time your event starts, and then the fun can begin!
Once the event starts, your event coordinator will gather everyone up and go over a couple of rules and instructions on how to play KnockerBall. We play a few different games at each event depending on the crowd.
Normally, we start out with some free play so that you can get accustomed to knocking your friends over and getting knocked over. Then we move to soccer.
Soccer is played just like normal soccer, but in the KnockerBalls. This allows you to knock out your opponents to prevent them from scoring goals. Soccer is most group's favorite game we play.
After soccer, we like to play last man standing. This is played just as it sounds. Everyone gets in a ball and goes at it free for all. The last person standing is the winner. It's a lot of fun for everyone!
We also like to play a game we invented called Hamster Wheel. This game is great for people who don't want to get knocked over or even get in a ball in the first place. We split everyone up into teams of two. One person gets in a KnockerBall and curls up as tight as they can. Their teammate is on the outside of the ball ready to roll them. When we yell 'Go' the race begins and everyone is rolling as fast as they can down and back the field. You haven't experienced dizzy until you've played Hamster Wheel.
After we've played all of the games and your event is over, we take all of our equipment down and hope you guys had a fantastic time. Once you have done one event with us, anytime you book another, and mention that you are a repeat customer, we will discount your second event with us.
If you have any other questions about how an event works and looks like to set up, please let us know at 405-633-0211 or send us a message on our 'Contact' page on this website.